Thursday, December 15, 2016

Respond to a Scope article from the December/January Issue

Choose an article to read in the December/January issue of Scope Magazine. Post a comment below.
  •  the title of article
  • two sentence summary of article
  • a response or connection--What did you find interesting?  Learn new?
  • pose a question to the class (ex:  Do you agree with the main idea?  What did you think of the Pokemon craze?  Do you think drones are good?)


  1. Dear Ms.Casassa,
    The article that I chose to read was How Pokemon Go conquered the world. It's basically about how Pokemon Go has changed Augmented Reality games forever. It was talking about how we might be trading in our smart phones for glasses and we might be seeing pop-up ads wherever we go. One thing I found interesting about it was how the writer made the connection with such a simple game and the future of technology. She was saying that we might be seeing a lot more augmented reality games and that this game has left a permanent mark on technology. One thing that she said that I thought was interesting was that she pointed out about the whole pop-up ad thing and what the views on it would be. But here's a question: Would you want to live in a reality where you see pop-up ads wherever you go? Would you see it as a cool, technological advancement, or an invasion of privacy and a hindrance?

    1. I think an invasion of privacy--and a little freaky--how about you? I saw kids playing Pokemon Go in my neighborhood this summer with their dad. In one way it was nice to see them sharing this experience, but on the other hand, it was a little sad that they were missing the beautiful sunset and chasing after something that wasn't really there...

  2. Dear Ms.Casassa,
    I read the article Disaster in Space . I was about the Apollo 13 mission. It talked about the trip and how it failed. The people didn't reach the moon because their oxygen blew up, but they did get back to Earth safely. I thought that them making it back safely was interesting because when I read what happened it seemed impossible. A question I would ask is why would they still send people up into space?

    1. That story is fascinating and simply amazing, isn't it. You ask a very good question--why do you think they still send people into space? What is the benefit and why do those benefits outweigh the risk of fatalities?

  3. Dear Ms. Casassa,
    The article I read was "Can Drones Stop Animal Killers?" It was about how people are hiding out at night in forest and then killing or poaching animals. Animals like elephants or rhinos so they could have their tusks to make jewelry or sell to other people. Two companies have drones that go out during the night. They record the results of the location and what animal the person is trying to get. They will then send out rangers to get the person before they poach an animal. I find it interesting that elephants could be extinct in less than 10 years, but they could also stay longer. Also that a pair of Rhino horns is worth $400,00 and elephant tusks are worth $100,000. I feel that is a lot, but yet they are a living thing too. I used to think drones were bad because you never know when they are around or watching, catching footage of you, but know I don't really know what my opinion is. Because now they are helping to keep animal species living. If they are good or bad? What do you think about drones?

    ~Sydney Mahoney

    1. I didn't really know anything about drones and the ways they can protect animals. It is a really interesting concept. I like that you were open to having a new opinion about a topic when you got more information. I don't think there is one answer to your questions. It depends what the drone is being used for. What do you think?

  4. Dear Ms. Casassa,
    The article that I read was "Can Drones Stop Animal Killers?" This article was about how animals that are being poached and how people think that drones can help. The main idea is to try to figure out if drones would be a good idea to try stop Poaching. A thing that people are afraid about with the drones are that if the poachers find out about the drones that they will just find a new spot and just kill the animals there. One thing that I found interesting is the animals that have been around for a very long time could be extinct in as little as 10 years if poaching continues to happen. I have also learned that when people are poaching nothing will stop them because they have put too much money into this. My opinion is that drones should be used because it could potentially stop poaching or bring down the poaching numbers and won’t put animals at risk. Also I feel that there would be more security to make sure that people who are poaching would be stopped before the animals are killed. Do you agree that we should use drones to stop poaching? What do you think is the best way to stop poaching?
    Happy Reading,

    1. I agree that it is interesting that an animal could become extinct so quickly because of poaching. That's why rules have been that restrict hunting seasons and number of animals that can be killed. I think it is interesting to use drones to help with the problem of poaching. Sometimes, however, the ideas of drones flying around makes me uncomfortable. What do you think?

  5. Dear Ms.casassa,
    I chose to read the article "Can She be Saved" by Justin O'Neill. This article was about a baby elephant who lost its mother.They think it was from illiegaly hunting known as poaching. They don't know how it exactly happened it happened very unexpectedly. The elephant was found behind a bush looking starved and tired. The elephant collapsed and was very close to death. The elephant was attacked by a lion not severely hurt but still shed blood. The elephant was saved by a group of rangers. They saved the elephant! I can't even imagine what that elephant must have gone through just imagine you losing your mom. I can't believe how cruel people can be. I learned that that there is a place called The Trust where they keep orphaned elephants where the elepants were almost ceratin of death. That was a very interesting thing I learned! A few questions I have is: Is there something they did about the death of this elephants mother? How long did it take for the elephant to recover from the death of its mother? How hurt was the animal? I think that elephant conquored a lot! I think that if you have a big dip in your life you have to keep going because you could have a long happy life ahead of you!

  6. The elephant was so lucky to be rescued and taken care of. I don't think poachers really think of all the consequences of their action--for example, how the baby elephant is put in danger because it no longer has a mother to protect it. Why do you think that article was paired with the one about the drones? How were they connected?

  7. Dear Ms.Casassa,
    I have read the article How Pokémon Go conquered the world. The first page speaks about people playing, explaining what AR games are, and how to play the game. After you read the first page you move on to a bit of Pokémons' back story on how it started. But if you keep playing the game you slowly get addicted. Like people just looking at there phones and not looking were they're going. As a user of this mobile app it's pretty hard to get off of. So here is the question, are user addicted to this app?

    ~From Jack

  8. Jack,
    Does it explain how people get addicted? Is it easier to get addicted to Pokemon Go than other games? Have you ever played it? If yes, what did you think?
    Ms. Casassa

  9. Dear Mrs. Casassa,

    I read “Can Drones Stop Animal Killers?” by Kristin Lewis. In this story men and women in Africa are trying to stop poaching. Poaching has become a $70 billion a year business. They will kill anyone who gets in their way. Poachers are killing elephants and rhinoceros for their horns and tusks. The wealthy are sipping expensive drinks containing ground up rhino horns! I can’t believe they are killing animals for their horns and tusks. Conservationists in Africa are using drones to capture poachers at night, when they usually hunt. When a drone sees a poacher, park rangers go to the scene before they can kill the animal. I think the drones will help stop the killings, do you?

